
Italy Week 5

A weekend full of day trips! On Thursday after class my friend Ally and I went to the Uffizi Gallery. This is one of the most famous art galleries in Italy. We got a three day pass with our roommates to see the Uffizi, Boboli gardens, and the Pitti Palace. The Uffizi contains works by Micholangelo, Da Vinci, Botticelli, Raphael, and many more. I was blown away by all of the beautiful painting and statues in this gallery. It was so fun to stand in front of paintings I had seen in books before. On Friday we got up early and went to an amazing breakfast that was pretty Americanized but had amazing french toast and coffee . After breakfast we walked about the Boboli Gardens which were the Medici families gardens when they ruled over Florence. They are placed right behind the Medici palace, which is the Pitti Palace. The Pitti Palace is right across from my school so it was nice to take a day to go see something I walk past every day. The Boboli Gardens are 111 acres so we did not see the whole thing but were beautiful to walk around in and explore all the small buildings, walls, gardens, and areas of this place. After the gardens we went into the families palace which seemed to go on forever. Every room seemed to have a theme and the walls were covered in artwork. On Saturday we decided to take the train out to a beach. On the way to the beach we stopped in Pisa to see the tower. I thought it was so funny to walk up to the tower and see all of the people with their hands sticking out, so they could try to get a picture of them pushing the tower over, but of course I had to do it too! Pisa was a cute town but we only stayed for the tower and then left. When we arrived at the beach, it was a cute local town that did not have any tourists which was really nice. The water was a milky blue and the sand was pure white. People we surfing, windsurfing, and swimming. It was so relaxing and peaceful. Around 6 we took the train home so we could try to get some sleep before our planned trip to Cinque Terre. When we got home we got Gusta Pizza take away. This pizza place was on Guy Fieri’s show and it was so good. Sunday morning we got up super early and trekked over to the train station to take a bus to Cinque Terre. Cinque Terre is a beautiful area right on the coast of northern Italy. It is found on a lot of postcards and in magazines. There are 5 towns that make up the national park that is known as Cinque Terre. I got to visit 3 out of 5 of them. I also had the best fried fish of my life there. I will be going back with my parents to Cinque Terre this Friday which I could not be more excited for. During the week we spent it enjoying the city of Florence as we knew our time was slowly coming to an end. Sunsets over the river, pizza, pasta, time with each other, the shopping, gelato, and everything that makes this place special we tried to do. I have loved living in Italy and cannot wait to come back some day. I have my finals due tomorrow! If you want to take a look that my photography final it will be linked below. I will also be posting the packages I done in the next few weeks. Next Blog is on my adventure to Croatia and then on where me and my parents are going!


Kate Bigler